Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Wonder if the Republican Party Will Listen

Texas staged their Republican primary yesterday. Along with the usual question of who would be the Republican candidate for Governor, were some proposition questions I am thinking should be used as a barometer for elected state and federal lawmakers to use to help stand for the people.

"We certainly hope that elected officials will take the data that they get from these questions and inform what they do in the session," said Bryan Preston, spokesman for the Republican Party of Texas. "These are issues that ought to come up."

The following is the list of propositions:

Ballot Proposition #1: Photo ID

The Texas Legislature should make it a priority to protect the integrity of our election process by enacting legislation that requires voters to provide valid photo identification in order to cast a ballot in any and all elections conducted in the State of Texas.

92% of Republican voters favored this one.

Ballot Proposition #2: Controlling Government Growth

Every government body in Texas should be required to limit any annual increase in its budget and spending to the combined increase of population and inflation unless it first gets voter approval to exceed the allowed annual growth or in the case of an official emergency.

92% of Republican voters favored this one.

Ballot Proposition #3: Cutting Federal Income Taxes

In addition to aggressively eliminating irresponsible federal spending, Congress should empower American citizens to stimulate the economy by Congress cutting federal income taxes for all federal taxpayers, rather than spending hundreds of billions of dollars on so-called "federal economic stimulus".

93% of Republicans favored this one.

Ballot Proposition #4: Public Acknowledgement of God

The use of the word "God", prayers, and the Ten Commandments should be allowed at public gatherings and public educational institutions, as well as be permitted on government buildings and property.

95% of Republicans went for this. .

Ballot Proposition #5: Sonograms

The Texas Legislature should enact legislation requiring a sonogram to be performed and shown to each mother about to undergo a medically unnecessary, elective abortion.

68% of Republicans went for this one.

I looks to me like our elected officials better start listening or they will fall to the side of the road....just my thoughts
 Originally posted on Facebook blog 3/2/10