Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I was listening to Dr. Laura today discuss a study that show how extrinsic rewards change intrinsic rewards. The theory is that external rewards can replace your internal values to the point that you'll no longer do what you valued without external payment or reward of some type.
This study showed that unexpected rewards are better than expected rewards. They took children who liked to draw and put them in three groups. The groups were as follows:

Group 1 were told they'd get a reward for drawing
Group 2 were not told they'd get a reward but got a surprise reward when they were done
Group 3 were not given anything
Then they watched the children over the next few days and discovered that those who had received the expected reward drew the least while those who had received the unexpected reward drew the most. (Even though there were now no rewards promised nor given.)

This would mean that unexpected rewards after the work has been done would be the most motivational. I need to think about this since I have been trying to motivate the kidlet by offering her a reward for a good grade in a class she has been struggling with….hmmmm

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