Saturday, July 17, 2010

It has been a lazy weekend!

Tracy and Sarah are out of town which left me plenty of time to clean the house and do all those things I put off. I admit it! I didn't do any of them.  I ended up going around in circles checking out all the yard/garage sales, stopped at Target to see if I could find a bookshelf for Sarah's room (the one she took out with her sleep walking experience), and finally picked up the dog from home and spent the two glorious hours reading one of Sarah's books and floating in the pool.  I was even able to get Flash in to "swim" with my assistance. 

I was able to come home to a crockpot of riblets I picked up from Fresh and Easy, threw together a green bean casserole, and steamed butternut squash and enjoyed a night of watching things my family does not enjoy, on TV. 

I could have done all those things I should have done, but I would have missed a wonderful calming day.  I guess sometimes you just have to give in and not "direct" the world!

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