Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last day off

Well, here I am in my Christmas jammies after New Years day thinking about what a great little break this has been.  Sarah and I, with her friends spent a week baking and decorating with me.....I worked 3 1/2 days and was back off with Tracy and Sarah for New Years.  It has been a great blessing to be able to spend the time just hanging out and chatting with a growing up kid.  I have been really fortunate to not have to work much during her growing up.  Thankfully we get to spend every afternoon together after school and every weekend. 

It has recently become clear to me just how lucky we really are given what is going on around us. New friends of ours have been hit hard by the economy and the dad had to use the last of his unemployment to go to long haul trucking school.  He is coming from the construction industry that has been severely hit in the crazy "downturn".  Now, the kids go from a dad who has been home every day with them for two years, to no one being home until 6:00 pm.  The smallest can stay at safe key until mom can pick him up, but the oldest, who is Sarah's age goes home and hangs out behind a locked door.  I have been letting Sarah talk on the phone and "practice" her viola with the little girl while she is on her own so that she feels like she is not alone.  I could offer to take her but the parents "think that we do enough" for them so I have a feeling it might be overstepping.  I also remember that I was a latchkey kid that didn't have parents at home until at least 5:00 when I was growing up....  I have told the little girl that if she ever needs me....hears something...whatever, give me a call and I'm 5 minutes away.  I've also taken over driving her home and making sure she locks the door behind her before I leave.  I wonder if it's enough....

Anyway, this is what you get when I'm drinking coffee still in jammies and waiting for the family to wake for church...or rather time for me to wake them up.  Have a fabulous New Year!

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