Monday, November 1, 2010


Yes, I really did let her dye her hair black.  It was the most asked question this Halloween as people began to realize that Sarah's hair was not a wig.  I have decided to not worry about the "little wars" when undoubtedly there will be more important issues in our future.  It's a semi permanent dye and should wash down in about a month...we'll push that a bit with good old prell shampoo but it definitely grabbed her dark blonde hair so I'm guessing variations of it will be around for awhile!  In the end, I'll call this a "win" since she calmly announced she will be happy when it is out and she is back to normal.  She even assured me she won't be wanting to dye it again for at least 2 years now that she knows what it's about.  She has about the same reaction to having to put the makeup for her "goth" character on every day for the last 3 days!  She says makeup is too much work :)  Still, I have to admit she looked rather cute with her darkened hair.  It gives us a glimpse into the future since I'm guessing it will go naturally much darker than it is now.  For now, she will be happy to run toward that simpler life of no makeup and lighter hair!


Erika said...

I love it! I had my hair dyed "azure" back in high school. It's such a tame way for kids (esp. these days) to "express" their "individuality." You're a cool mom! XO

Freebies, Deals, Coupons, and More said...

Thanks Erika! I know people were wondering about my sanity but I thought it was rather innocent given her "bookish" nature :) I don't want to even begin to list the variation of colors my hair has gone through!