Friday, April 23, 2010

What can we do mom....I'm bored

I know every parent has heard this phrase or a variation of it.  Sarah has a unique disadvantage of living close to only one home that has children close to her age.  Living "outside" a development has it's advantages, but the lack of built in friends, Sarah would say, is not one of them.  Sarah and "the twins" have known each other since Sarah was 4 (kindergarten) and they were 6 (first grade).  Now the age difference is showing but they still manage to find a few things in common.  Today, one of the twins is on an orchestra field trip so we had only one...much different and frankly rather nice not to have 3 girls! (I had forgotten how 3 girls together can be a bit of an issue from time to time!)

The Wii came in quite handy...

I only heard..."mom, we're bored once today" free smileys

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